The family wishes to thank you
most sincerely for your
attendance here today.
Your expressions of sympathy
and support have been a great
comfort to them at this time.
Her unconditional love
touched all who knew her.
Thank you for sharing this time
with our family.
The ............. Family wish to
thank you most sincerely for
your attendance here today.
Your expressions of sympathy,
cards and floral tributes are
greatly appreciated in
our time of sorrow.
We thank you most sincerely
for your comforting thoughts
which have been a great support
in this time of sorrow.
Her unconditional love
touched all who knew her.
Please accept our heartfelt thanks
for your cards, floral tributes,
expressions of sympathy and support
during our sad loss.
The family of the late
wish to thank you sincerely
for your kind
expressions of sympathy
during our sad
Thank you for the comforting
expressions of sympathy
conveyed to us in so many ways
during our sad bereavement.
Your thoughtfulness
was deeply appreciated.
Of great comfort during
our sorrow were
the expressions of sympathy
conveyed to us in
so many ways.
Your thoughtfulness was
deeply appreciated
and we thank you most
The …. Family wish to
express their deep appreciation
and shall always remember
your kind and comforting
expressions of sympathy in their
recent sad bereavement.
With tears we saw you suffer,
We watched you fade away,
Our hearts were slowly breaking,
As you fought so hard to stay.
You did not want to leave us,
But you did not go alone,
For part of us went with you,
The day God took you home.
Tired and weary you made no fuss,
you tried so hard to stay with us,
you suffered so much and told so few,
you never deserved what you went through.
Close to our hearts you will always stay,
loved and remembered every day.
Out of this world of suffering,
into God’s garden of rest,
it must be a beautiful garden,
because He always takes the best.
Beautiful memories woven in gold,
this is the picture we tenderly hold,
deep in our hearts your memory is kept,
to love, cherish and never forget.
A face we love is missing,
a voice we love is still,
a place is vacant in our hearts,
that no one else can fill.
A special smile,
a special face,
and in our hearts,
a special place.